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The following Information are in accordance with §5 TMG

DMXControl Projects e.V.
Beuthener Straße 8b
13125 Berlin

E-Mail: info[at]

Represented by

1st Chairman Arne Lüdtke
2nd Chairman Stefan Krupop
Treasurer Maik Stolle
Secretary Julien Mintenbeck

Person responsible for content in accordance with §55 par. 2 RStV

Content Jens-Peter Kühn
IT-Infrastruktur Marcel Peterkau

Register entry

Register Entry Entry in the register of associations
Register Court Amtsgericht Charlottenburg (Berlin, Germany)
Register Number VR 29737 B

Value Added Tax Identification

Value Added Tax Identification Number
(complient with §27a Value Added Tax Act)
- (exempted from sales tax)

Tax Identification

Finance Authority Finanzamt Böblingen, Germany
Tax Number 56002/41750

Bank Account DMXControl Projects e.V.

Depositor DMXControl Projects e.V.
Bank Account Number 1081035
BLZ 603 501 30
Bank Kreissparkasse Böblingen
IBAN DE80 6035 0130 0001 0810 35


§1 Accountability for content

The available contents on the web pages of the registered association DMXControl Projects e.V. have been created with the utmost care. However, we cannot guarantee the completeness, topicality or accuracy of this content. Contributions with an identification by name (for example forum contributions) represent the opinion of the respective author and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the registered organization DMXControl Projects e.V. No contractual relationship between the user and the registered organization DMXControl Projects e.V. arises from the view of the contents made available on our web pages.

§2 Links to external Pages

The web pages of the registered association DMXControl Projects e.V. contain links to third party web pages ("external links"). We have no influence on the contents of the linked web sites, which is why always the respective supplier or operator of the web site is responsible for the respective contents. By using an external link the registered association DMXControl Projects e.V. does not make the opinions or contents on a linked web site to its own opinion. At the first time an external link is set in contents of the registered association DMXControl Projects e.V. we have checked the linked web sites for any statutory violation. In this check, no statutory violations could be ascertained. However, a permanent control of the external links is not reasonable for the registered association DMXControl Projects e.V. without any hints to a statutory violation. In the case of a statutory violation on a linked web site become known to us, the respective link will be deleted immediately.

§3 Copyright

All contents published on web pages of the registered association DMXControl Projects e.V. are subject to german copyright law. Unless explicitly permitted by german copyright law or this copyright declaration, every utilization needs a written approval of the registered association DMXControl Projects e.V. This encloses in particular every form of utilizing, reproducing, translation, storage or processing of contents in databases or other electronic media and systems. Third party contents are denoted as those. The disclosure of contents of the registered association DMXControl Projects e.V. is only permitted if this content transfer is free of charge (without any consideration). The registered association DMXControl Projects e.V. must be marked as the legal owner. The usage of contents of the registered association DMXControl Projects e.V. as utilities for commercial purposes is also permitted. A reproduction or translation without a written approval is prohibited.

The representation and embedding in parts or as a whole page of websites of the registered association DMXControl Projects e.V. in foreign frames is allowed only with a written permission and the clear declaration of the authorship of the contents.

§4 Special Terms of Use

If the terms of use for a single web page of the registered association DMXControl Projects e.V. differ from the paragraphs above, it is pointed out at suitable place expressly to it. In this case the special conditions of usage of the respective individual case are valid.

Scope of Application

The information in this imprint is valid for all web pages of the registered association DMXControl Projects e.V. These web sites are listed in the following: